Friday, March 6, 2020


Room 7 are filled with sporty students that love being outdoors and so Wednesday Lunchtime Softball sessions have been great fun. We enjoy being outdoors in the lovely sunshine we have been getting lately in Auckland.


  1. I have spent most of my summer watching softball as my youngest son has been playing for Auckland softball association and had his final playoffs this last weekend. He plays 3rd base and 4th batter. What is your most favourite position to play on the pitch? Have you seen the Auckland Tuatara Baseball team play?

  2. Hi Room 7, it's interesting to read about your softball game, and it looks really fun! Does your class compete in competitions for softball?
    From Poppy

    1. Hi Poppy, my name is Limiteti, attend Ruapotaka School and in the classroom 'Room 7. Thank you for your well amusing comment. To answer your question some students get the opportunity to compete in the softball interschool. I hope this year we recieve another chance.
