Sunday, August 16, 2020

Home learning

 Coronavirus is a virus that through rampant spreading has created a pandemic for our world. We are all in this together. We need to do what we need to do to keep those vulnerable in our society safe from the effects of this virus. So when they asked us to stay home, we stayed home and the humans adapted to living and continuing to learn through the internet. We were online doing our writing, reading, inquiry and connecting with our classmates through google meets. Not ideal, but a new way to do things. Here are some of room 7 students learning online.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Last day of term 2

We had an interrupted term 1 and term 2 and to end it off, we decided, because of our love of Food we would have a shared lunch. There was pizza and chips, lollies and cupcakes and someone brought in some delicious chop suey and a traditional potato salad. Oh boy it was all good and delicious.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Matariki Kites

 Room 7 had a lovely time finishing their kites to be ready to fly it on the last day of Term 2. Their designs were creative and some structures were successful yet others not so much. 

Have a look at their creations.