Friday, May 21, 2021

Autumn leaves are falling

 This week during buddy time with Room 3, a year 2/3 class our senior students paired up and studied the Autumn leaves poem. They then went hunting for some beautiful leaves. Tasked to create, they had the opportunity to create digital Autumn leaves with their buddies on the ipads as well as Paint with their Autumn leaves. The results are stunning. And the Tuakana-teina relationships become strong as they support and help eachother along the way. 


Friday, May 14, 2021

Life, what do plants need

 Our inquiry this term is to look at life on mars... Is there life? can we sustain life there? We have been adding to our knowledge by looking at what seeds need to germinate and grow and then we will investigate what that would look like if we wanted to take plants to Mars.

We have successfully germinated Broad bean seeds and have started our garden outside our class space. Where we water it and make sure it gets lots of sunlight to continue to grow

Friday, May 7, 2021

Dance, dance, dance

 The school has been focusing on the Dance curriculum this term and we have a lovely team from Footsteps to come in and show us how its done. So far the students have learnt about the following dance elements: Shape, Body awareness and relationships. It is lots of fun, and for some it is coming out of our comfort zones.